A dynamic way to grow your Business.
Turbocharge your Small Business

  • Are you satisfied with the taxes you pay?
  • Are you confident you’re taking advantage of every available tax break?
  • Is your tax advisor giving you proactive advice to save on taxes?

If you’re like most business owners, your answers are no, no and huh?

And if that’s the case, I ‘ve got bad news, and I’ve got good news.

The bad news is, you’re right. You do pay too much tax- maybe thousands more per year than the law requires.

You’re almost certainly not taking advantage of every tax break you can. Our tax code is thousands of pages long, with tens of thousands of pages of regulations. There are thousands more pages of IRS guidance, along with volumes of court cases interpreting all those laws, regulations, and guidance. The sad reality is, there’s probably no one alive taking advantage of every tax break they’re entitled to, simply because there are so many of them out there.

And most tax advisors aren’t very proactive when it comes to saving their clients’ money. They put the “right” numbers on the “right” forms, “and getting them filed by the “right” deadlines. But then they call it a day. They do a fine job recording the history you give them. But wouldn’t you prefer someone to help your write history.

The good news is, you don’t have to feel that way. You just need a better plan of business. And you’ve already taken a giant step in that direction, whether you realize it or not. Owning your own business is the biggest tax shelter left in America. Now you just need to take advantage of what you already have!!

I wrote a book in 2016, 10 Most Expensive Tax Mistakes that Cost Business Owners Thousands. I am updating this book to 2024 right now, as we speak, in the book I talk about some of the biggest mistakes that business owners make when it comes to their taxes. I call the process of finding and correcting these business mistakes- “Turbocharging your Business”, we actually, pursue looking for the mistakes you are making in your company, then help you, solve those problems – legally and ethically. This is what we call: Turbocharging your Business.

It is not our intention to make you a tax expert on taxes, but to help you optimize your business and your legal rights as a business owner. Albert Einstein once said “the hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax, “and if taxes were hard for this guy who came up with the theory of relativity, it’s OK if they are hard for the rest of us.

How we Turbocharge your Small Business: The process.

We start off, with a review of your taxes, interview you about your goals and your company, we will ask you to think about where you are going, and your objectives. We will talk in general terms at the beginning, because its important you understand the “concepts” rather than the details or the exceptions, to start, then we develop a customized approach, then train you and your company to optimized levels to take maximum benefits under the tax law. Saving most likely thousands of dollars every year.

Our goal is to ask some pointed questions and get you to look at your taxes with a new eye. You make choices about your tax bill every day. Are you making the right choices?? Or like most business owners and professionals as well, leaving money on the table, wasting money on taxes, that you just simply don’t have to pay??

Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once called taxes “the price we pay for civilization.” But he never said we have to pay retail!!! Our job will help you find discounts and legal advantages in the tax code, that applied to your tax return.

The typical standard approach to taxes for most businesses:

I don’t care how good you and your tax preparer are with a stack of receipts on April 15th. If you didn’t know you could write off your kids braces as a business expense, there nothing we can do. Remember the last time you drove a car? If you’re like most people, you probably sat down in the driver’s seat, strapped on your seat belt, turned the ignition, put the car in reverse, and then backed your way to your destination, steering by what you could see out the rear-view mirror.

Wait a minute…… you mean that’s not how you do it??

Well…. that’s how most tax preparers work. They spend lots of time looking back at what you did last year. But they really don’t spend much time looking forward. They can tell you all about what you did yesterday. But they don’t tell you what you should do today, or when you should do it or how you should do it. Turbocharging your Business, on the other hand, gives business owners like you two powerful benefits you can’t get anywhere.

First, it’s the key to your financial defense. As a business owner, you have two ways to put cash in your pocket. There’s financial offense, which means making more. And there’s financial defense, which means spending less. For most of you reading this article, spending less is easier than making more. And for most of you reading this, taxes are one of your biggest expenses.

So, it only makes sense to focus on your financial defense where you spend most of your money. Sure, you can save 15% on car insurance switching to GEICO. But how much will that really save in the long run? Second, spending time with us turbocharging your business, guarantees results. You can spend all sorts of time, effort, and money promoting your business – and you should work this hard, but that still won’t guarantee results. Or you can set up a medical expense reimbursement plan, deduct the cost of your teenage daughters’ braces, and guarantee savings. Those guaranteed results start with turbocharging your business, you can’t ever deduct money you spend on a medical expense reimbursement plan if you don’t set it up in the first place.

Our first step, is to show you how powerful “Turbocharging your Business”- financially really can be, contact us today, to start the conversation, I will provide you a simple business illustration that will blow you away- how simple this can be, and save you thousands every year-. - Mike!!!


That why turbocharging your business is so important, give us a call or email today, we would be honored to work with you.


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